Process Engineering

Tel.: 01905 756061


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We are adding new suppliers to our database. If you have a specialist capability then we would like to be able to offer your services to enhance our profile and turn-key solutions to our clients and those of our 50 partner companies.

We can only do this if we know about you. Please phone, e-mail or post the following information to help us use your capabilities:

  • Your specialist capability. Please be as specific as possible. E.g. if you are a machine builder please let us know about the machines you have designed and have not yet released their full market potential. For instance, you may have solved a particluar problem for one client that can be re-used in other factories. If we know about this we can offer your capability as part of our turn-key solutions.

  • Keywords. A list of words you think that we may use if we were looking for your specialist capability.

  • What your business does: e.g. designs and builds machines, writes software, imports, designs, training, etc.

  • A category e.g. vision control, robotics, safety systems, etc.

  • The relevant market sector e.g. food and drinks industry, power generation, etc.

If you are uncertain of what to send, please contact us or send what you have and we will extract the details to match our database requirements. Once your entry is approved you will be notified of your listing by e-mail.

Please use the following link:

Or send your application to:

Supply Management
Applied Process Engineering
The Cottage
Bevere Manor Garden
Bevere Green



Business Techniques Ltd
The Cottage, Bevere Manor Garden
Bevere Green, Worcester.